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Store FAQ

Where do you ship to?


What are the shipping rates?

Art prints ship for free! 😃 Other items' shipping fees vary according to product and location and are calculated at checkout.
Just make sure to check your country’s custom's rules as these fees are not included in the product price.

What’s your shipping method? When will my item arrive?

Shipping methods vary according to products and locations, specified on each product page, and include:
- Local mail services: estimated delivery time 7-25 days (depending on location). 

- Express shipping: estimated delivery time 3-5 business days.

What’s your return policy?

If by any reason you wish to return or exchange a product - no problem. You can send it back to me within 14 days and get a full refund. In that case, please contact me at Please note that return shipping costs will be your responsibility. 
If you receive your order and discover that something is damaged, or if there is any other problem with shipping, please reach out to me and I’ll help make it right.

What form of payments do you accept?

All major credit cards like Mastercard, Visa, American Express, and PayPal.

I want one of your prints in different format or material than appears on the shop. Do you take custom orders?

Yes definitely. If you like anything you saw here and it doesn't appear on the shop, I will be glad to offer other printing methods and sizes, you can contact me at

More Questions?

Feel free to contact me via contact form or at

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